To get the same comfort for your android device (phone or tablet), you need an app. i’m using transdroid, which currently is NOT available in the google play store (former android market). get the latest transdroid apk here.
Start the transdroid app and go to settings. Add a new server. Choose an optional name, select server type: transmission, if you are using what i am, set the IP of your server and the port, enter a username and password if you are using authentication. that’s it.
now you should be able to open magnet links in your browser, which will relay these to the transdroid app, which will forward the link to your transmission daemon, which will start downloading the torrent.
optionally you can start scanning magnet links that are encoded as QR-codes from within transdroid.
3 replies on “Integrating android devices into the torrent landscape…”
Thx man I didn´t know this existed… 😀
Why not to use a QR Code generator directly? there’s many free sources on google.
I think you’re missing the point. QR-Codes are just useful if your are coming from OUTSIDE the Android device. If you are searching content ON THE device you need an app that handles magnet links.