mein selbstbau timer hat den ersten gröberen härtetest mit erfolg hinter sich gebracht. jetzt kann ich ihn ohne bedenken in version 3 auf einen kleineren formfaktor bringen.
das zeitraffer geht von 06:28 bis 20:42. pro minute wurden 3 fotos gemacht. gesamt etwa 2400 frames.
i did a time-lapse video a few month ago. back then i used the video function from my eos 7D. extracted 2 frames per second, did some image manipulations and put it all back together at 24 frames per second.
video takes a lot of space. since time-lapse videos are much more interesting if you cover a big time interval you either have to have a huge memory card or you manage to turn down the amount of data that comes in. i decided to do the latter. since canon cams don’t come with a time-lapse function built in, one has to find an external time that does the job. there are several cheap external cable timers available. they just have one problem. they just do time intervals from 1 to about 9999 seconds. i needed less. 300 ms (0,3 sec) should be my smallest interval. so i built my own.
i did a little tilt shift miniature time lapse, just to see how it is done and estimate the complexity.
here it is (best seen in HD and full screen):
Time Lapse Miniature from flowolf on Vimeo. also on youtube.com
music by bob wizman – “on your 45”, licensed under cc-by-sa
the howto can be found here.