diese video mag vielleicht nicht zu 100% die wirklichkeit widerspiegeln. das kann es auch gar nicht. denn die verhandlungen zu ACTA sind geheim. was dabei rausschaut könnte sehrwohl so sein:
…und plötzlich ist mir google sympathisch…
was mich allerdings am meisten schreckt ist dass sich unsere aktuellen politiker das von der EU und den grossen playern (plattenlabels, etc) gefallen lassen.
Recently I’ve switched from Firefox to Chrome/Chromium (still don’t know which one to use). So far the browser is great. One of the reasons i switched was the HTML5 video capabilities of Chrome. Now i don’t have to indirectly support Flash any more. Another reason is the speed. It’s much faster than Firefox 3. Chrome still gives me the impression that Google is looking over ones shoulder. I know this is the case for every browser you use nowadays. Google Analytics, Google Docs, Gmail, Google font directory, etc. lets Google get a really good estimate of what we are doing. So it really does not matter what you use. you may as well use Chrome.
however the icons of chrome and chromium were a little too gumball machine like. so i grabed the chromium icon and recolored it. As reminder of the all knowing power behind it: HAL style 🙂
i’ve been following David McCandless’ rss feed on informationisbeautiful.net for some time now. he regularly has amazing visualizations about a lot of different topics that become much clearer when seen in his graphs. he was giving a talk at TED which i recommend watching. i especially like the one minute and ten seconds part at 6:20.