english Hacking Hardware Gadgets photography

DIY time-lapse timer…

i did a time-lapse video a few month ago. back then i used the video function from my eos 7D. extracted 2 frames per second, did some image manipulations and put it all back together at 24 frames per second.

video takes a lot of space. since time-lapse videos are much more interesting if you cover a big time interval you either have to have a huge memory card or you manage to turn down the amount of data that comes in. i decided to do the latter. since canon cams don’t come with a time-lapse function built in, one has to find an external time that does the job. there are several cheap external cable timers available. they just have one problem. they just do time intervals from 1 to about 9999 seconds. i needed less. 300 ms (0,3 sec) should be my smallest interval. so i built my own.

Life & Thoughts OnlineLife Net Webapps

Eine Odyssee zum Widerrufen von AGB…

Liebe A1 Telekom Austria AG aka,

ich widerrufe hiermit die §§ 15(2) und 15(5) der bob AGB [pdf] (mirror).

mit der bitte um kenntnisnahme.


ps: zur geschichte:

online shop

22. september. die AGB werden einem zum anhaken beim bestellen eines startpakets oder des vertrages im online shop unter die virtuelle nase gehalten. es gibt weder ein textfeld noch sonst eine möglichkeit die option, die einem in den AGB gegeben wird, wahr zu nehmen und die zwei absätze zu widerrufen.

§15 […] (2) Im Sinne der Bestimmungen des TKG ermittelte Stamm- und Verkehrsdaten werden für Zwecke der Besorgung von Kommunikationsdiensten und damit in Zusammenhang stehenden Leistungen und für ihre Erbringung erforderlicher Leistungen verarbeitet und übermittelt. Der Kunde erteilt seine jederzeit widerrufbare Zustimmung zur Verwendung seiner Stamm- und Verkehrsdaten zur bedarfsgerechten Angebotslegung und Servicierung und zur Bereitstellung von Diensten mit Zusatznutzen sowie zur Unterbreitung persönlicher Handy- sowie Produkt- und Serviceangebote durch A1 Telekom Austria auch mittels SMS, E-Mail

english Hacking Hardware Gadgets

pin garage door opener…

the Keypad

some of you may know the advantages of electric garage doors. they open from the inside of a car even when it’s raining. the disadvantage is the need for the remote control when you want to open that door. with our garage doors it’s similar. the opener is never there when you need to get in.
so i built myself a keypad opening system.

Life & Thoughts OnlineLife Net Webapps video

[video] ACTA…

diese video mag vielleicht nicht zu 100% die wirklichkeit widerspiegeln. das kann es auch gar nicht. denn die verhandlungen zu ACTA sind geheim. was dabei rausschaut könnte sehrwohl so sein:

…und plötzlich ist mir google sympathisch…

was mich allerdings am meisten schreckt ist dass sich unsere aktuellen politiker das von der EU und den grossen playern (plattenlabels, etc) gefallen lassen.

english OnlineLife Net Webapps Software

chromium icon hal edition…

Chromium Icon Hal Edition
Chromium Icon Hal Edition

Recently I’ve switched from Firefox to Chrome/Chromium (still don’t know which one to use). So far the browser is great. One of the reasons i switched was the HTML5 video capabilities of Chrome. Now i don’t have to indirectly support Flash any more. Another reason is the speed. It’s much faster than Firefox 3. Chrome still gives me the impression that Google is looking over ones shoulder. I know this is the case for every browser you use nowadays. Google Analytics, Google Docs, Gmail, Google font directory, etc. lets Google get a really good estimate of what we are doing. So it really does not matter what you use. you may as well use Chrome.

however the icons of chrome and chromium were a little too gumball machine like. so i grabed the chromium icon and recolored it. As reminder of the all knowing power behind it: HAL style 🙂

here you can grab the Mac Os X icon. have fun.

EDIT btw: the icon is under the same license as the original chromium icon.

english OnlineLife Net Webapps video

[video] data visualization…

i’ve been following David McCandless’ rss feed on for some time now. he regularly has amazing visualizations about a lot of different topics that become much clearer when seen in his graphs. he was giving a talk at TED which i recommend watching. i especially like the one minute and ten seconds part at 6:20.

english photography video

[video] Tilt Shift Miniature…

i did a little tilt shift miniature time lapse, just to see how it is done and estimate the complexity.

here it is (best seen in HD and full screen):

Time Lapse Miniature from flowolf on Vimeo. also on

music by bob wizman – “on your 45”, licensed under cc-by-sa

the howto can be found here.